Willing Suspension of Disbelief

Movie reviews from someone who loves movies

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ring Around the Rosie


Girl inherits old house. She stays there to clean it up. Has terrible dreams.

The Good


This is watchable, if simply for the actors and cinematography, but, you won't want to sit throught it again. (+1) What originally appeared to be continuity issues (for instance the color of the hallway leading to the closet and the fortuitous catching of the girl by the caretaker), were actually careful choices made to foretell the ending. (+1)

Story Line

The story line doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The girl inherits the house from her grandmother, spends the weekend there with her boyfriend, starts to have bad dreams, spends more time there with the creepy caretaker and finally her sister. More bad dreams occur. She questions what is real and what is a dream. She investigates creepy sounds alone, without light, without a weapon. For the viewer there is a significant amount of confusion also. But, within five minutes of the introduction of the sister, the end of the movie was obvious. At that point, all the viewer can hope for is some originality, twist, or at least competent filmmaking. All the viewer gets here is competent filmmaking. The twist at the end is so transparent, that there is no reason, whatsoever, to ever watch this again.


Don't expect too much acting. Some heavy breathing, a few jump-screams, etc. The caretaker (who in most films would be the throwaway character) is the best acted character here. He seems simple-minded and a little creepy. But, when violent, appears very threatening. Of all the characters in the film, this was the most believeable. (+1/2)

The Bad

There were no obvious technical issues with the film. The violence was, for the most part, well handled. There was no sex scene, yet it is obvious that sex occurs.

The Ugly

+2 or +3: If you've got nothing better to do


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