Population 436
The Good
Story Line
Within the context of the main premise (that is, the townsfolk have made some sort of agreement with G-d to survive by keeping the numbers of townfolk to exactly 436), nothing in the story line detracts from the plot. (+1) There are enough additional bits of story (for instance, the family in the basement jail) that add to the horror of what is happening, with very little that sidetracks the plot. Oh, some of it could have been left out, but, with Lovecraftian horror, each additional piece of twisted normality adds to the horror itself. (+1) One interesting aspect of the movie is we are made to sympathize with a major antagonist. (+1/2)
The Bad
There was no need for the partial nude, nor for the "sex in the barn" sequence. If the antagonist has merely seen them have a passionate embrace, it would surely have been enough. (-1) Deaths, except for the hanging are all done offscreen, minimizing the "gore factor."
The Ugly
This is a good movie, that speeds the story line on, and delivers the Lovecraftian horror (rather than just terror or gore).
+5 or +6: Time well spent.
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