Grisly sexual murders of men follow likeable girl. It's her evil twin.
The Good
This is a nicely watchable movie. (+1) There are no major technical gaffes, and the cinematography is adequate. Some of the special effects (pay attention to the fireworks) are well done. (+1)
Story Line
Even before the reveal that it is the evil twin, it is ridiculously obvious. Still, the various pieces of the story don't get in the way of the plot. (+1) The story allows the viewer to become engaged in the story, and to care about what happens to the good girl. (+1) This plot has been done many times before, and nothing here teaches anything new. The "good" twin should have been played as more innocent, and the "evil" twin as more menacing. Sideways looks are not menacing and working for GreenPeace does not make one innocent.
Would I watch the movie again? No.
The Bad
How many times do we have to watch soft-core porn to understand the reason the "evil" twin has been turned bad? (-1) At least, while we have three murder scenes, and one of them happens on screen, and they are stomach-turning, they are handled relatively well, without turning too grisly.
The Ugly
+3: Watch it if you've nothing better to do.
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