Girl stops at a rest stop along a highway. A maniac kills her boyfriend and proceeds to attempt to terrorize her.
The Good
This is a film you can sit through, if your stomach is strong enough. (+1) The cinematography was adequate, and there was some good use of camera angles, but no moving shots, but, some good editing (+0)
Story Line
There are, unfortunately, some parts of the story line that appear extraneous. For instance, the family in the RV. How did this advance the plot, other than general weirdness and a sick attempt at showing how religious Americans
must be crazy. (+0) The story surrounding the plot was fairly interesting, since we will identify with the heroine attempting to survive, but, there was no attempt, whatsoever, to show any kind of background on the maniac. He was much too generic. But, throughout the movie, you will want to tell the heroine to start collecting weaponry. If someone killed your friend, attempts to run you down, and otherwise scares you senseless, don't cry for someone to help you, but arm yourself.(+0) Either way, the story is just a rehash of so many other generic slasher films: Teenagers have sex; Maniac kills them. (+0)
Umm, other than seeming to enjoy sex and not enjoy pain, there was no emotion for viewer to see.
Would I watch this movie again? No. Was it a waste of time? Possibly.
The Bad
Did we really need to see the back seat sex scene? No.(-1)
Was there too much emphasis on the grisly torture? Once it is established that the maniac tortures his victims before the kill, we don't need any more. (-1)
The Ugly
-1: Don't waste your time!
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